"Member of Knesset Binyamin Ben-Eliezer expressed "immense grief" over the conviction of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, who was sentenced to life in prison, saying he was hoping that the court will acquit the ousted ruler.
"I expected the court to show a degree of compassion and mercy toward a man who dedicated his entire life to the security of the Egyptian nation, to its economy and prosperity," he told Ynet shortly after Judge Ahmed Rifaat read out the verdict
Member of Knesset Binyamin Ben-Eliezer expressed "immense grief" over the conviction of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, who was sentenced to life in prison, saying he was hoping that the court will acquit the ousted ruler.
"I expected the court to show a degree of compassion and mercy toward a man who dedicated his entire life to the security of the Egyptian nation, to its economy and prosperity," he told Ynet shortly after Judge Ahmed Rifaat read out the verdict" ynet news.
Well. there you have it:
Saddam - hanged by his successors
Qathafi - killed by the rebels
Ben Ali - to be tried by successors
Mubarak - sentenced to life by a judge he appointed to the bench. The mob is howling for his head.. They may get it yet.
Salih - cries are rising for his trial
What do you think? Is Bashar Assad going to "go quietly into that good night?" Are the Saudi royals and th eprincelings of the Gulf going to be encouraged toward modernity by this event?
You notice that some corruption charges have been dropped against the Mubarak family? Guess what? They will be convicted eventually. The mob must have its lust for vengeance appeased.
You notice that my old friend Omar Suleiman is still a free man? The conspiratorial minded will want to believe that demonstrates ongoing conspiracy.
The tumbrils have not yet started to roll in Egypt, but they will. That will follow an MB victory in the presidential election. The liberals will be among the passengers. pl
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