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16 April 2012


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The beaver

Dr Silverman

There is only one place where he can't be the bully: Macau.....( yes he buys his way with the authorities but he can't bully them, otherwise guess who will be knocking on his door.

Pirate Laddie

Well, the rabbi at Beth Shalom ain't the first of his vocation to be ill treated by the pharisees or scribes of his day. I recall an itinerate rabbi a few years back who had a pretty nasty run-in with the money bags of his day.

Alba Etie

What is very problematic from a representative democracy perspective is that the Mr Adelsens of our polity are buying politicians for their own personal agendas. I keep coming back to 2000 when Sen McCain was running for our GOP nomination -and was openly supporting campaign finance reform .
IMO the recent Citizen United ruling by the SCOTUS is a bigger threat to our shared democratic values currently then AQ .

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