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13 April 2012


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Tim Vincent

I thought you were going to quit watching Matthews - before he gave you a heart attack, or you threw a glass through your TV.



Matthews is absent, hopefully forever. pl


Using a publicity/notorious client seeking attorney and a law professor who is a Zionist First advocate/proponent of torture by the USA, does not add much value to this discussion. A more valued base of legalese is in wanting. The cable news standard of "talking heads" are the least of value, no matter what viewpoint one brings to the issue.

Morocco Bama

Oh my!


You can't make this stuff up.


There has been a lot of stuff made up already about this and it is not about to end anytime soon.


Corpsmedia have been inciting a race war.


There has been something odd about this distorted, hyped, pushed story from the beginning.



Zimmerman's father is Jewish? pl


Here is the unredacted 911 Zimmerman call:


Zimmerman doesn't know if Martin is black at first, and only confirms he is black after Martin walks towards him. This means he wasn't racial profiling.

Martin starts running toward the back entrance where his father lives. Zimmerman starts running but gives up and loses Martin. Listen to the wind.

Since the shooting took place in the middle of the block and not at the end where Martins father lived, did Martin double back or hide from Zimmerman? Or did Zimmerman catch up with him or was he going back to his truck as he said he was? 911 calls usually activate GPS, making tracing Zimmerman's route accurate.

I did not hear a racial slur on the tape, and don't herar one on the link Leander posted. If anything Zimmerman was profiling Martin's dress: hoodie, droopy pants (assumed by me when Zimmerman said Martin was either wearing jeans or sweatpants).

There is no doubt in my mind Zimmerman was an overly suspicious fool, considering this and his previous 911 calls, but what I see is the media lynching of probably, unless new evidence proves otherwise, an innocent man.


A surrogate father of some kind, not bio



He was apparently adopted by a Jewish man at one point and time.



Thanks about Zimmerman's father. Zimmerman is, of course, a German name that is not necessarily Jewish. pl



Maybe that puts Dershowitz in a different light. Blacks aren't the only ones allowed to have tribal loyalties, after all.


strange how the story of adoption comes up when a crime is committed by a person - remember the Son of Sam - he also was adopted, it has been said; I know one more case of person who committed murder and later was found out he was adopted


Well, optimax, let's wait and see. Many of the calls have planks, obviously the police knows more than we do, they surely have much more calls too, and they may not have given out the most valid.

I have to register though, that I may well be fascinated by citizen activities, while our dear Pat Lang thinks they will endanger a fair treatment of Zimmerman:



Hi Pat,
The family we rented from in Germany was named Zimmerman. In so far as I know they were not Jewish. And "reportedly" there there were no longer any Jewish families in our town unless they were ausslander(s) who had arrived recently.



What does "Zimmerman craps his pants" on the map mean?

Both possible routes of Martin show he would have had to double back to confront Zimmerman. But that isn't official and like you say we'll have to wait for the release of more details.

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