Act of Valor. Directed by: Mike McCoy and Scott Waugh (who for some reason refer to themselves as the "Bandito Brothers," howsomever only during séances of butt-slapping and drinking beer right outten the bottle on account of you ain't not getting near the SEALs unless you can walk the walk). Starring: Dunno. It's a secret, so we don't get the names beyond Master Chief Bob (not his real name) and Lieutenant Senior Grade Bob (not his real name) only it's his real face, up there ten foot tall for whole world including terrorists and foreign agents to see so not sure how clever this whole secret squirrel premise is, but hey... Rest of the cast, it is alleged, all active duty service members, at least all of them who can't act. CIA agent billed as Roselyn Sanchez (perhaps her real name, perhaps not... but mostly not her real face since largest part her time on screen we only see that face all swolled up on account of beat to pulp by evil Philippine cum Guatemalan cum Baluchistani narco-atomo-islamo-barbo-terrorists, who, if they'd stay off the cell phone, would probably still be at it).
Whoa! Lousy movie! Ouch! I have said previously and of the film Ladder 49 (review attached, maybe) that a lousy movie about firemen is still a good movie. Civilians need to see it between excursions to the Galleria if for no other reason to get an idea of the life of those who protect them and of the sacrifice that such a life entails. I'm tempted to say the same thing regarding a lousy movie about SEALs: still a good thing, whether it's Steven Segal on a battleship, Charlie Sheen in Q'bqkkqb, Bruce Willis in Zimbabwaziland, Demi Moore in Q'bqkkqb, or, as in this case Master Chief Bob and his Ell Tee (secret squirrel Navy talk for Lieutenant, often abbreviated LT), Lieutenant Senior Grade Bob in Mexico? Mexico? Wait a minnit. We run black ops in Mexico? Jeez... we better hope they don't watch Gringo movies and find out, hunh? In fact, it's surprising how many sovereign countries we do violate in this movie. I for one do not necessarily object, just not sure how smart we are to tell whole flockin' world about it and validate that asservation by the presence of actual operators in the documentary (no Mexicans were harmed during the filming this um, er... documentary, story is: documentary that went wildly, comically wrong).
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