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30 March 2012


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A smart little cartoon. My only complaint is that Obama -- who actually has power and therefore has been issuing actually meaningful threats to Iran -- is absent from the chorus.

Massive sanctions and continued threats of a preemptive attack from a sitting American president are probably causing more instability in oil prices than the ravings of clowns who no one seriously believes will be elected.



I note that one of our members has reported that the IDF has cancelled leave over the Passover holiday. pl


This is all fine and dandy....but when do we begin exposing the culprits driving our Nation down the drain......


So the President of the US is responsible for the conduct of Wall Street speculators? The speculation was happening prior to Israel's drum-beating and the desire for both Wall Street and the major oil companies to have anyone other than the current President in the White House next year would have this run up in oil prices regardless of any potential war threat.


Great; what better way to celebrate a religious holiday that giving the world another war.


That's pretty cunning.


Let me add these to your reading pleasure....

Israel: Possible Military Strike Against Iran’s
Nuclear Facilities

Iran: U.S. Concerns and Policy Responses



Dunno if their cancelling has anything to do with their Iran thing or their current intentionally stirring up the pot with the Palestinians over land day. Bibi anyway one mixes it, needs a war to keep himself and his Likud wackos in power. The Israeli public is similar to our U.S. one for when awakened to how boneheaded their leadership is behaving, rallys forth and give them the heave-ho right out into the garbage bin.

I say we shutter all the Israeli embassies and consulates on our U.S. shores, and give them a one way slow-boat ticket back to their postage stamp. After all, with such a back-stabbing/two-faced 'ally' like Israel, who needs enemies.

Morocco Bama

That cartoon would be perfect if they made it a black Moses with a likeness to Obama.


Sorry Colonel.. Got the pdf's mixed up....

Iran: U.S. Concerns and Policy Responses

N M salamon

Thanks for the postings.

I found the analysis of Isreal attack compreensive, with a very major short coming:
it failed to mention/analyse the reaction of China and Russia, both major powers who have vehemently oppose any military adventurism against Iran. This is ever more important aspect as the next President of Russia is not a patsy by any strech of the imagionation, with very strong views of the national interst of Russia.



Two items of note:

Greek-Cypriot-Israeli ’energy axis’

Greece Joins Israel-USA Military Exercise in Southern Mediterranean


The IDF always cancels leave over the holidays,this was standard procedure when I served in 67.

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