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15 March 2012


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Kern de Gaud

The Israel Lobby wants pliable people in senior security management positions. While certainly far from the only plausible reason for his potential ouster, Amb. Chas Freeman's experiences clearly show that the AIPAC "they" are perfectly capable of unmaking national security appointments of people not sufficiently willing to ignore or subvert US interests on behalf of Israel.

Chas Freeman on Israel-Palestine 2 of 3 (10:47 for a shock) - YouTube

William R. Cumming

Since I think Iran is ON after the election Clapper's removal for someone more loyal to Obama and his donors might well be in the works before the election.

Do we have any update in the form of a NIE on Syria and fallout whether ASSAD stays or goes?

Charles I

Given this job description from your link :

"This source also made a key point. The DNI job carries so few benefits and so many responsibilities and is so disliked or distrusted by so many in the intelligence community that, "few qualified people" would "even remotely yearn for the DNI position." Given all that, this source said, "I think we should all hope that Jim hangs in there."

and the ratios of self-sacrificing, as opposed to self serving talent these days, this does not sound good for intelligence governance.

Who'd want it?


Charles I

"so disliked or distrusted by so many in the intelligence community"

The CIA yearns for the day when it can destroy the DNI function and renew its reckless career in the world without the DNI's restraining hand. pl

Medicine Man

It would reveal much if we had some idea of who Clapper's detractors would like to take over his position.

William R. Cumming

Are there any early open source assessments of Panetta's time at the CIA? The author of "History of ASHES" has a new book out on the history of Counter Intel and the FBI's involvement.

Please given your brain power Alan Ferrell give us some book reviews as well as movie reviews. Watching BBC's "Smiley's People" again!



Alan is not an intelligence man. He is a professor of French literature. You want a movie review?

As for the SOFA with Iraq, it was mostly about the withdrawal of our forces and did not really give us much in the way of immunities that were not assured by the force of our arms. After the 1st of January 2012, Iraq declined to give our remaining security assistance people (300 +or-)have beeb declared to be US Embassy staff ans are protected by the Vienna Convention on the immunity of diplomats. pl

William R. Cumming

Thanks PL! Actually like French movies. Julliette Binoche in recent movie "Paris" had wonderful backdrops. Good story of sisterly love to a sick brother also. Where are the snows of yesterday?


speaking of rumors:
Netanyahu is hinting that in his Washington visit, he received Obama's tacit approval for an Israeli attack against Iran – under the guise of opposition. Obama will speak out against it but act for it, just as the past U.S. administrations speak against the settlements in the territories but allow their expansion. And in this manner Netanyahu summarized the visit: "I presented before my hosts the examples that I just noted before you, and I believe that the first objective that I presented – to fortify the recognition of Israel's right to defend itself – I think that objective has been achieved."

via Mondoweiss: http://mondoweiss.net/2012/03/israel-will-attack-iran-and-obama-gave-tacit-approval-haaretz.html



Yes - the film does not come close to the Alec Guiness BBC version. The context and atmosphers especially eludes it completely. If you've seen the latter, I doubt that you could stand more than 30 minurtes of the former - unless you're hiding from the next primary debate


Col. Wilkerson gives a great critique of Panetta's and Holder's recent actions, WRC...! ;-)

The Twisted Genius

l I don't have the breadth of experience with Clapper that Colonel Lang has had to endure, but I've never been a fan of Clapper either. As DNI I thought he would be kissing every political ass he could find to further his ambitions. I was wrong. Aside from the occasional verbal misstep, he's run a good shop. The AOL Defense article claims that he was told he was no longer valued. Judging from my experience, when "they" tell you you are no longer valued and "they' start plotting to rid of you, you are probably doing something right. He is not fixing intelligence to support a war with Iran. That surely has made Clapper some powerful enemies who no longer value him. "They" must want a new war very badly. I hope Clapper gets to hang in there and at some point gets to tell "them" to piss off and die!



I almost like him. pl

The Twisted Genius


When I read that part about being told he was no longer of value, I almost sent him a card.

William R. Cumming

Thanks for the link on Pannetta CTuttle!


I think you may be conflating Smiley's People with Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.

I do think Gary Oldman is on the youngish side to be George Smiley, but IMO the new Tinker, Tailor is imminently watchable. I'm waiting for Brother Farrell to tell me if I am correct.


I was close to both Dennis Blair and Jim Clapper. I didn't have quite the experience you did with Clapper but I saw both men in their "regular" jobs and in their roles as DNI. Good men in impossible jobs would be the kindest characterization.

Of the two, I would have to choose Clapper, simply because he is a real intelligence guy. Denny Blair is one of the smartest people I ever worked for, but I saw him get "rolled" by the "boosters" at least once. Clapper seems to me to be somewhat immune to the BS bath that is the fate of all senior intelligence leaders. He has seen the act, and he gets it.

That makes me nervous, because TTG may be right, perhaps someone wants the facts twisted and Clapper doesn't feel like twisting.

Before the 2003 invasion I was told in no uncertain terms, "they don't want to hear that downtown." Right now, I doubt that Clapper would go along with that path--and perhaps that is why he is "not valued" by someone.

All in all, though, I think (hope) this is a rumor with little substance.



I made it clear that in spite of my dislike of the man I think the country would be well served by keeping him as DNI. pl


PL, we are in violent agreement.

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