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04 March 2012


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William R. Cumming

Propaganda WARS and counter-propaganda not confined to governments only.

Sean McBride

Not all pro-Israel activists are "Israel Firsters," but some are and it's fair to describe them as such. An Israel Firster is someone who is more preoccupied with Israeli issues than with any other issue, who is *obsessed* with Israel's problems, conflicts and enemies in a way that is highly conspicuous.

A fair question to ask of anyone who seems to be an Israel Firster: which political issues do you care about more than Israel? Have you written about those issues more than you've written about Israel? Are you more emotional about those issues than you are about Israel? Pay close attention and see if they struggle to come up with a persuasive response.

"Pro-Israel militant" and "Israel Firster" strike one as roughly synonymous expressions -- I can't think of any pro-Israel militants who aren't also Israel Firsters.

Pro-Israel militants like Alan Dershowitz are always trying to dictate to other Americans, usually with abrasive, abusive and bullying tactics, what they should think, say and do. They've done enormous damage to the public image and good relations of Israel in the United States and all around the world. Most human beings deeply resent being harassed and abused by fanatical ethnic nationalists -- especially those who are running their respective nations into the ground on behalf of the interests and messianic zealotry of a foreign nation.

If I noticed members of my own ethnic group injecting an aggressive and overbearing ethnic and foreign nationalism into American politics with the same lacerating ferocity as Alan Dershowitz, I would assume that they had lost their minds. I would take them aside and have a private chat with them with the aim of restoring them to their senses.


here is Dershowitz speaking at Herzliya back in o7

Prof. Alan Dershowitz – “Israel must be ready to lose U.S. support in the coming years”

Famed Harvard Professor speaking at 7th Annual Herzliya Conference

Speaking via satellite to the 7th Herzliya Conference of The Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS) at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz warned Israel that they might have to go it alone in the coming years.

He pointed to 4 recent events that, according to Dershowitz, could bring about a “perfect storm” in the otherwise close relations between the U.S. & Israel.

The first event was the publishing of Former president Jimmy Carter’s book “Palestine: Peace not Apartheid” about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This book has received a lot of attention and despite the panning it took in the media; Dershowitz says it legitimizes certain negative stereotypes including the “Jewish controlled media” and the disproportional involvement by the Jewish lobby in American politics. This, according to Dershowitz is coming from a man (Carter) who’s received millions of dollars from anti-Israel & anti-Semitic organizations.

The second event is the rise of anti-Israel discussions in academic circles and on campuses around the U.S.. This legitimizes in the academia what Carter’s book legitimizes publicly. The “trash academics” as Dershowitz called it is becoming more prevalent. This could threaten the education of future American leaders.

The third event is the Media War being fought by Hizbullah & Hamas against Israel. The battle for media attention is being fought in earnest by these and other anti-Israel groups. Dershowitz did not voice his opinion as to which side is winning that war but made it clear that it is an important factor in U.S./Israel relations.

Finally, a recent statement from Former Democratic Presidential Candidate and Supreme Allied Commander of NATO in Europe, General Wesley Clark recently hinted at Jewish involvement in U.S. foreign policy by saying “New York ‘money people’ are pushing the U.S. into war with Iran”.

All of these events point to statements that in the past wouldn’t only be heard in Europe. Dershowitz’s advised Israel & Jewish groups to continue to fight against the negative image that is being perpetrated by these and other factors but he also warned that “Israel must be prepared to lose American support in the coming years both diplomatically and economically. “My message to Israel is ‘be strong’ and be prepared to go it alone.”


So much for Civil Liberties.....


Overreaction. It's not as if Dershowitz advocates the burning of Rosenberg's books. He only wants to deprive him of his livelihood as a corrective. It can't be thuggery - Dersh is too old (and never did have the physique) for jackboots.


Watching Obama speaking at AIPAC now...how craven and un-American. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson must be puking up in heaven if thats possible.

"It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world": it was George Washington's Farewell Address to us. The inaugural pledge of Thomas Jefferson was no less clear: "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none."


Seam McBride

My definition of an "Israel firster" is someone who, while an American citizen, places Israel's interests above those of the US. In this context, I so not care what foreigners do or think. pl

Sean McBride

samuelburke -- in these statements hasn't Alan Dershowitz announced to the world that he is an unabashed and proud Israel Firster? He has declared his intention to side with Israel against the United States if Israeli and American interests and agendas begin to diverge. No wonder the term is such a sore point with him -- it hits the mark.

Sean McBride

Col. Lang,

It's useful to keep in mind that Israel Firstism is a worldwide phenomenon -- the global network of Israel Firsters in various nations around the world places the interests of Israel above the interests of their respective nations and above all nations in the world -- the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, etc.

In any case, they are easy to spot: when, for instance, you try to discuss the American interest with regard to Mideast politics, in contradistinction to the Israeli interest (for instance, with regard to going to war against Iran), they often attack you, often viciously. There is an obsessive-compulsive and xenophobic quality to their pro-Israel activism.

Alan Dershowitz is one of the most conspicuous Israel Firsters in American politics -- for him to object to the use of the term is absurd.


Sean McBride

I am not concerned with foreign Israel firsters. I am unaware of their attacks on me. pl

At the Virginia Capes

Does anyone really listen to Dershowitz any more?


"You Can't Say That" is an agitprop incendiary device.

works well.


Let's apply the Golden Rule.....and start a campaign to get Dershowitz fired by Harvard University for failing to uphold the core academic value of free speech.


We appear hostage to conservative Israeli interests. This is the kind of situation that can result in the demise of an otherwise great nation. We had better get a life, step back, and realize that we are on the potential brink of disaster even if we blow up Iran. It appears that President Obama senses the situation - we need to support his attempt to cool down and avoid disaster.

Roy G.

My money is on MJ - he's stood up to the Lobby for years, and he knows AIPAC's dirty laundry. Dershowitz is a lot like Krauthammer, someone who once had some intellectual achievement, only to squander their credibility on Israel First.

Phil Giraldi

Back in 2000 Dersh was asked by the New York Times to comment on a case in Colorado in which a Jewish couple used a police scanner to monitor phone calls of a neighbor to determine if the neighbor was making derogatory comments on them based on their religion.


Bnai Brith got involved and the couple that had been monitored later received a large cash settlement for invasion of their privacy. Dersh commented that the court judgement would have a "chilling effect on the fight against anti-semitism." Dershowitz sees every issue through his Jewishness, be damned the rest of us and our rights. How can a man so stupid and bigoted be a tenured professor at Harvard? (No answer required)

Charles I

but he has a mind to torture for foreign ends.

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