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09 November 2011


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I have to say she is one ugly lady both in her looks and her spirit. The hate she has inside her is destroying her from within just like it is doing to Pam Geller and Abrams. You can see it on their faces.


She still has a job at Wapo. Says alot about the standards of Wapo. How long would Wapo keep a columnist who called Zionists in Hebron "child-abusing savages"? When people crap on Islam and Arabs, they hide behind the First Amendment. When they crap on Jews, they get fired. Compare: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/01/rick-sanchez-fired-from-c_n_747607.html with http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2011/11/moore-award-nominee-ctd.html.

And lest we praise ourselves for being open-minded, remameber this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piss_Christ

The First Amendment protects speech. But if you engage in "fighting words" you still might get legally punched out. And the law recognizes that. Here's some background on "fighting words." See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fighting_words

Sometimes "honesty" is just bad manners. And nothing else. Yes, I'm a Texan. And I make no apologies.


Pexton: "The Post needs conservative voices to balance its many liberal ones."

Then in the interest of "balance", I say Rubin and Abrams are murderous sluts that just prove Hitler was right about the Jews.


Is there anybody to explain why so many rabid Zionists prefer to live far away from their “historical motherland?” There is something fundamentally sick in the self-imposed exile of the most poisonous tribalists and in the harming of their host country with amazing energy. Add to that their open spite towards any non-Israeli.



No guts. pl


And unlike at least some of the Jews living in Israel, these diaspora loudmouths fail to realize how ultimately harmful their actions and rhetoric is to Israel. Do they care? They don't have to directly bear the consequences of their conduct, unlike Jews in Israel.

Sort of like neocons in general--they can all talk a hawkish game, but few actually go to war themselves--whether to the IDF or the US military. That's for other folks.

Sure, Israelis elect their leaders and I have no doubt that Bibi is popular. But there is at least a vocal minority within Israel that is established and heard in the Israeli media, at least in Haaretz. And their message to the likes of Abrams, et al, is "shut the **** up, you don't live here."

Buzz Meeks


Stealing is not considered a Talmudic sin if committed against Gentiles. More Gentiles here than in Israel. And no guts.


Integrity is Washington is becoming like poverty in Kolkota. Just when you think you've seen the bottom, you discover a yet lower level of destitution. In this I refer not only to Rubin/Abrams but also the WP editors; and even Pat Pexton who should either call unequivocably for her resignation or quit - and stop the insulting nonesense about 'conservative voices.' This should not be a matter of courage but simple self respect.

Buzz Meeks

I see this screech harpy is also a half-sister to John Pud-horetz. Not hard to figure how she got the gig with Pravada-On-the-Potomac.

Medicine Man


If by "conservative" Pexton means people who respect tradition, resist radicalism, and only place their support behind proven policies not ideological fever dreams, then I agree with him, the WaPo could use a few conservatives on staff.


You can pare down this argument to 'they have no respect for human life, I think we should kill them all'. Rubin should be fired. I'd be flippant and say she can always get a job with an Israeli paper but the newspapers in Israel probably would not have her.
There is one benefit to all this. Whenever I hear about so-called "honor killings" my blood boils and I have many of the same feelings about Muslims in general. When I see it in black and white I see what a jackass I am.


So Mr. Pexton treats Rubin gently … This is an impressive educational moment when one compares the sycophantic massaging of the Zionist propagandist with the treatment of Helen Thomas, an honest and courageous journalist


Buzz, what are your credentials as a Talmudic scholar? It sounds like you're in "Elders of Zion" territory here.

Can anybody else here clarify this allegation? Total paranoid BS, technically true, or really true?

On the more general subject - another "journalist" exposing herself as a propagandist for Israel - this is "dog bites man" by now. But at least it's getting exposed, which in turn exposes the WaPo. I think Americans are slowly becoming more aware of the phenomenon.


Very true but Helen Thomas was of Lebanese descent and those in power felt it acceptable to silence her in the manner they did.


to punish her for her racist comments, Rubin was invited to C Span's Washington Journal microphone to opine on Iran/IAEA.

regarding her physical appearance: first time I saw her I was struck with the shape of her face/jaw -- suggested Egyptian to me; and to her sunken chest, generally scrawny, underdeveloped torso. Few people are aware that in the mid-1800s, Jews in Europe experienced an enormous population boom, much of it due to high birth rates, and especially among Slavic - Hungarian , very religious Jews. Vladimir Jabotinsky was appalled at the physical squalor and degradation in which those Jews live in Europe in early 1900s. Their living conditions, inbreeding,and perhaps lack of proper nutrition, could account for the (vestigial, primitive) appearance of someone like Rubin.

The other day, Mondoweiss posted an article that said that "diaspora Jews support Israel because it affirms 'Jewish manliness.' The early project in Israel had to do with creating the "new Jew," strong, clean, hard working. Arthur Ruppin imposed strict rules of hygiene on European immigrants to Palestine, and selected suitable "human material" to create that 'new Jew.' Slavic Jews were at the bottom of the selection chart; Orthodox Jews from any European state were not welcome, either.

Adam L Silverman

Elkern: I can answer it. Buzz Meeks is incorrect, stealing is prohibited in the Judaic code. And before anyone asks: yes I've read large portions of Talmud, both Mishnah and Gemorrah, as well as large chunks of Catholic Cannon Law, Fiqh and Hadith, the Veddas, the Pitikas, the Taoist, and Confucian cannons as well. And yes, I'm a sad lonely person surrounded by my dogs, my books, and my ipad...

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