God bless you, Rebeccah. God bless...
The essential folly of these wars was and continues to be the notion that all humans yearn to live like Europeans and Americans and that they are eager to shake off their own ways to adopt our cultural anf political views. That was never true and it is not true now. A corollary of this foolishness was the idea that "allies," in other words, willing subordinates, could be fashioned from these countries if political majorities were empowered in elections held under occupation. In Iraq, such a process has brought to power a majority Shia government that does not wish to share power with the Sunni Arabs and is moving steadily poward its natural ally, Iran. So far, the Maliki government has not lived up to the power sharing agreement that ended the parliamentary crisis last year.
The Obama Administration's NSC is run by political hacks from capitol hill. They don't have a clue as to what I am talking about. Romney has filled his team with the Ziocons who did such a good job for Bush in his first term.
I am going to the gun show today.... Bye... pl
Why do these countries trust and use the Western banking system?
It seems we can instruct the banks to withhold their money and then give it to whom we name at any time.
I can see why Chavez is taking physical possession of his gold reserves.
Posted by: Farmer Don | 09 October 2011 at 10:47 AM
I didn't reckon Romney had much of a chance until I saw the Ziocon advisory board...Eliot Cohen, Feith... audhubill-hi minash, etc.
One more bridge to burn, one more country to bomb. Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States...
Posted by: jr786 | 09 October 2011 at 11:36 AM
Colonel, I have a lot of experience with handguns but not much with rifles relatively speaking, though I am a reasonably good shot with a rifle having rated expert both in the Army and in CIA. I have a brick built house on five acres with a perimeter fence. House is more or less in the middle, two stories, with a full basement. What rifle/shotgun mix do you recommend for home defense?
Posted by: Phil Giraldi | 09 October 2011 at 08:21 PM
Phil G.
Failing that a Mossberg 500 pump gun in a stainless steel maritime model so you don't have to worry about maintenance. pl
Posted by: turcopolier | 10 October 2011 at 08:58 AM
If you live in a rural area where snakes are still common a shotgun is a good is good way of dispatching copperheads or cottonmouths.
Posted by: Russ Wagenfeld | 10 October 2011 at 07:41 PM
SWEET JEEZUS! That KSG is one of the most intimidating looking things I've seen in a while. I think I'll steer well clear of the Giraldi compound.
Russ, I use a solid D-handled spade to dispatch the occasional copperhead. Haven't seen any cottonmouths, thank God.
Posted by: The Twisted Genius | 10 October 2011 at 09:20 PM
Poor snakes...
I second TSG's observation about that Kal-tec shotgun; bloody hell. I'm surprised it weighs under 7 pounds though. It looks rather massive.
Posted by: Medicine Man | 11 October 2011 at 01:18 PM