If Mitt Romney becomes president, there are a lot of important foreign policy decisions that he’d leave up to others. Most notably, Romney often says that whatever the generals decide, that’s the course he’ll take in Afghanistan (although he backtracked on that stance when pressed recently). Think Progress
Romney appears to be yet another person who wants to be something rather that to do something. In this case he wants to be president and to that end is kissing up to anyone and everything who will have some effect on the outcome next November.
Evangelicals, Zionists, hard hearted Republicans who boo gay soldiers deployed in the theater of war, other (or the same) hard hearted Republicans who yell, "Let him die!" when asked if treatment should be given to someone with no health insurance, all these are in Romney's constituency. Ah, I forgot the Mormons.
It is implicit in Romney's position that the COCOMS and JCS will run foreign policy, or, at least any part of it that the Israelis don't want to run. I can't vote for this man. The president of the US is supposed to run foreign and defense policy within boundaries of funding and structure allowed by Congress. Romney either does not "buy" that or is playing a completely cynical geme. Take your pick among those two undesirable possibilities.
Who are the other possibilities?
- The president. I am unimpressed by his foreign policy "triumphs," and his domestic actions seem to be those of a servant of the moneyed class who wishes to disguise that identity.
- Cain? I like the smile but IMO this whole effort on his part is a joke that has gotten out of control. The "smoking" commercial seems to have been an appeal for an escape route.
- Perry? No.
- Gingrich? Hell no!
- Father Santorum? No.
- Ron Paul? Evidently not.
- All others now running? No.
So, what's left? A hung Republican convention and a "dark horse?" Maybe. pl
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