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26 September 2011


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Mr. Freedberg doesn't seem to understand that it is the expansion of Israel that is the heart of the 'crisis'. The de-facto wars of conquest destabilize the UN - why have one if it can't prevent wars of conquest? Ethnic cleansing and collective punishment? That seems to be okay too. He seems to believe the Israeli propaganda that it is Israel that is about to be conquered - by all the Arab states! (Darn that Arab Spring, ... if only those dictators were still around!(Don't check the latest news from Egypt)).

Quite conveniently all of Israel's nuclear weapons are forgotten. Just where are they and why hasn't the UN Security Council demanded an inspection program to ensure none of the wind up in the hands of 'terrorists'?



That is why this 'white boy' (as highlander referred to me as) hopes like hell that the Palestinians succeed with statehood at best and non-voting status as the least, that way they can go after Israel's balls and put them in a U.N. pair of Burdizzos where they belong, castrate Israel's nuclear testicles as well as put Israel's thingy into a International Criminal Court vise for their multiple cold-blooded murders of other nationalities like the Palestinians (and our U.S. Citizens), since D.C has shown itself to be anal retentive when it come to protecting Israeli interests rather than doing what they are supposed to be doing -- defending/protecting U.S. Citizens (Civilian & Military) from Israeli cold-blooded assaults.

William R. Cumming

Does it look to anyone else like the Administration now has the tactical goal of pushing as many problems down the road a ways hoping to get through the 2012 election? They never had much in the way of strategy to my mind so developing any new strategy is almost impossible since no one can figure out the current strategy. As an example, does the US support the UN and try and make it more efficient and/or effective or does it just try to make its role in the world a de minimus one? Who is our UN ambassador?

Medicine Man

Dr. Brenner's response is both haunting and depressing.

The beaver

Is this true?




Sydney should be talking to you since he " is the founder of Learning from Veterans". He could learn something they don't teach at Harvard and Cambridge.



Sydney and I do talk. pl


Col. That is good to know. I've seen a change in his writing over the past year; however it seems there is still a leaning towards an Israeli view in his writing. I imagine it is difficult to remain impartial as a journalist, especially writing on this topic and living in D.C., which being a city centered around politics is quite different from the rest of the country? On re-reading my comments I see it was not the tone I wished to articulate. My apologies.

Medicine Man

I just got done reading Uri Avnery's weekly article on Gush Shalom. Except for Mr. Avnery's fawning over Abu Mazen, it would appear that he draws almost the same conclusions from the UN speeches as Dr. Brenner.


Colonel, Sir - I said during his speech, that Netanyahu was actually delivering a declaration of war. Is a Ghandi - like posture on the palestinian side still an option, my assessment is now better demostrated especially after the arrogant, provocative announcement from GOI to allow thousand more building permits in East Jerusalem; (btw. what does a building permit mean in their thieving minds? is it one appartment or one appartment building with thousands of appartments??)



It's all crap. we are at an end and a beginning. pl



It's the 'beginning' that I find troublesome.
Rocky shoals ahead for U.S., and we can thank the Israelis for it.


The Israelis have killed the Two-State Solution. Maybe they know the US will back their "transfer" of Palestinians. Very bad times ahead, I'm afraid.

The beaver

Here is another threat and the US Congress partaking in it:


"The Knesset will vote on a bill calling for full Israeli annexation of the West Bank.

Deputy Speaker Danny Danon announced Tuesday that the Knesset will take up the bill, which he authored, at the end of October"
Note: October - this does not make sense.


Indeed an end:


Annex the West Bank? So a one state solution then?


I wonder who in Congress is going to author the Bipartisan Resolution in Favor of Transfer? I suggest they add this language: "The Congress also condemns the anti-Israel incitement of Palestinian children, including such statements as 'Stop bulldozing my house' and 'Why did you shoot my sleeping father?' Such incitement prevents responsible negotiations."

Medicine Man

Formally annex the West Bank? A cynic would say that this is simply making a clandestine policy official. I wonder what advantage the Israelis think they'll reap by telegraphing their intentions?

Babak Makkinejad


In your estimation, under a possible war between say Syria and Israel, will US fight directly on behalf of Israel if she be in trouble?

Is this scenario a possibility now?



No, war between Syria and Israel is not a possibility. Syria has an active rebellion amongst the current government, what army are they going to go to war with since the current one's quite busy quilling the rebellion. Certainly you don't think the Israeli's are going to distract their own population by launching a war against Syria?


Reading Israeli en masse responses to the illegal building in Jerusalem is utterly depressing. The obnoxious declarations sprinkled with “real faith in God” show that Israel has zero interest in the European cultural heritage, specifically in the European laws like the Geneva Conventions and habeas corpus, and that Israelis have an absolute belief that the fifth column of Israel-firsters in the UK and US will always forego the national interests of the Brits and Americans and will always support whatever obscenity the “real faith in God” dictates to Knesset.
The bitter irony is that Knesset has become a toy of the former Soviets.
Till there are laws and regulations applied to Israelis in Europe, which are mimicking the laws and regulation that Israel applies to Palestinians in Israel and on the occupied territories, the arrogant pro-Israel pricks in the US and UK will continue endangering western civilization with their loony ideas of "historical motherland" and "God-given choseness."
The ethnocentric scams are not interested in the humanistic Jewish tradition, which is the true glory of Jewish culture, but in a suddenly discovered ability to bully other people; modern Israel is a picture-perfect of a betrayal of the memory of holocaust.



Israel has already been 'annexing' the West Bank surreptitiously. Annex by demolitions and erasing Arab villages and homes. It's called in most venues -- 'ethinc cleansing', the same thing that the Nazis of WWII did. Would it be a stretch to call a spade a spade regarding Israel and WWII era Nazis in behavior?

Israel approves 1,100 settler homes in Gilo, Jerusalem

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