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28 August 2011


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Nancy K

Have a wonderful vacation, where ever you may be. You so deserve it.

Patrick Lang


I am working on a criminal case as an expert witness and I an slated to play in a politico-military war game. pl

Nancy K

Well not quite as relaxing as a month on the beach in Costa Rica or Hawaii but try and get a little down time.


Adam is good but you will be missed.


Enjoy your vacation. I can understand why you would want to escape from us, from time to time.

I'm familiar with term "war game", but what is a politico-military war game? Is it between the R's and the D's?


Hope you have some capable people to play with and against in the games,but I guess you wouldn't be doing it if you didn't. Maybe when you get back all/most of the world's problems will be solved.Oh wait,you said September not Forever.Never mind....Hope you and the wife/family have some quality time off.

different clue

I don't know about these things but I should think the politico-military war game would be serious working fun. Hopefully it will be held in a nice place with places to go when not conducting the game.


You will be missed here, whatever else you are doing.

Patrick Lang


Country teams generally. It is a game that ncludes all aspects of foreign policy. pl

Charles I

Sounds like an interesting month in store for you. Hope its well paying and your opponents intellectually challenging. And your withdrawal from here so intolerable you won't do it again soon, unless its to finish your trilogy.

May your game, to which one assumes your expertise is suited, afford us some coming insight into current thinking on the ME you will be free to share or opine on? Inquiring, er, SST addict(s) want to know.


Charles I,

Your "SST addict(s)", is a good one. LOL


We will all be on your side mentally.

this might be of interest concerning the "politico-military war game":

Important study shows that a small network is fostering widespread hatred of Islam inside US politics and public opinion


One of the subjects I find more and more interesting is criminology (politics & corruption).

Bobby Murray

Have a great "vacation" Colonel! You leave us in able hands.

Medicine Man

What I wouldn't give for an AAR of those war games.


Medicine Man,

Will we see a fourth Punic War perhaps?


Any chance the rules/results of such war gaming will get published somewhere? I'm curious to just how such things are gamed. I would sure be fun to be in on one of them.

Medicine Man

I don't follow you, J.

Patrick Lang


No chance at all. pl


Medicine Man,

The Punic wars, three of them were between Ancient Rome and Carthage.

In our modern day time frame when I refer to a 'fourth Punic war', I'm talking about the current situation on the world stage that merits war gaming, and the only belligerents on the current block that meet that criteria are the belligerent Israelis and the defending Iranians. Soooo, 'if' I were doing modern day war gaming, I'd be concentrating on a 4th Punic war, and what really screws the pooch with a 4th Punic war, you have on one side real-world nukes in the hands of idiots and madmen (Israelis) against the civilization that invented the game of Chess (Persia). Interesting times we live in.


Medicine Man,

Hopefully a 4th Punic war won't last as long as the first 3, they spanned over a century of fighting. Imagine being in a war stance for in excess of a thousand years, would wear one down after the 1st 500 or so. After that, the years would begin to blur and blend.


Medicine Man,

Did I say 'thousand' instead of hundred? Woops on my part, intentionally I might add. War whether it is fought for over a century (100 years) like the 3 Punic Wars, or for over a 'millennium' (1000 years), really are when it is all said and done, one of the most stupid things that mankind inflicts on itself over and over and over, with no apparent end in sight.

How I hate war, there is so much to be gained by concentrating on peaceful pursuits. There's the girl chasing, making new wines, planting and harvesting new rows of corn, etc..

If our species stopped to smell the roses, imagine what we could accomplish.



Thanks, didn't think there would be much of one but thought I'd ask.



"Imagine being in a war stance for in excess of a thousand years, would wear one down ...."

Doesn't this describe the world view of some of the leadership of the nuclear armed side of your '4th Punic War' scenario?

I read somewhere that Roman mothers used to discipline their children with words to this effect:
"Do what you are told or Hannibal is going to come and get you"

Kind of like Fear Inc and their "Al Quada" is everwhere scenario.

Medicine Man


Ah, I see. I know what the Punic Wars were, I just wasn't sure what analogy you were drawing. "They are war
gaming out an invasion of Tunisia...?", was my thinking.

Col. Lang:

Consider me jealous. :)

William R. Cumming

Have fun PL and Hurricane Irene gave me a five day power outage break from the computer.

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