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14 August 2011


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Jim Ticehurst

That seems to be the Problem with all the "Howdy Duty" Presidents we get these Days...they rely on "Advisors" and Cabinet members for Policy Decisions..Domestic and Foreign..It was Interesting to see The two Sides of George W. Bush's Policys ..The Ones where He Spoke His opinion in Public..trying to sound Presidential..and The the Ones where he was Clearly Being Re-directed by His "Advisor" and Inner Circle..Mostly The Uber Neo-Cons..
It Appear to me..that Obama and His Inner Circle..are determined to carry out the Uber Neo Progressive Agenda..In Spite of that Cost..too..
I'm sorry..but it looks like our Government is being run by Ego Maniacs..engaged in Idelogical Wars and Pissing Contests..


The Perry Camp seems to be a wing-nut stew.


Oh good, here we go again.

Adam L Silverman


Here's the rundown:

Jim Ticehurst

The Last thing Our Nation Needs Now is a Back-Lash Government of recycled Neo-Cons.Lets End the Overt and covert "Dynastys.."

Roy G.

I prefer Tommy Frank's description of Feith: "The f**king stupidest guy on the face of the earth." In other words, a perfect intellectual match for Perry.


Didn't we get enough of that last decade?


In light of this post and Dr. Silverman's comments on Perry & Bachmann's
"dominionist" ties (with its overlay of service to Zion to hedge their bets for the Rapture), this e-mail, forwarded by a charming Pakistani friend, tells a curious and depressing tale.

From: "Dr. Ashraf Abbasi"

Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2011 09:16:38 -0700 (PDT)

To: Houstonian Pak-Circle-HPC

ReplyTo: "Dr. Ashraf Abbasi"

Subject: WOW ! Our Texas Governor Rick Perry : The Presidency

Dear All,

Governor Rick Perry of Texas is going to be the President of United States of America. Texas roll up your sleeves and get fellow Texan elected to the White House.

I am commited to campaign for Rick Perry by means & at all levels. May God Bless America.

Ashraf M. Abbasi, PhD.
Ambassador at Large P Think before you print! Save energy and paper.

President: 2003-2005 Chairman-Presidents Council: 2005-2007 Chairman Advisory Council: 2007-2009

The Pakistan American Congress (Washington, DC.) is an umbrella entity of Pakistani-Americans & Pakistani organizations in America since 1990. It is incorporated as a non-profit, non-religious, and non- partisan premier community organization. It serves as a catalyst of social, educational, and political activities which promotes the interests and protects the civil rights & liberties of the Pakistani-Americans in the U.S. It is also vigorously involved in promoting good will, understanding, and friendship between the two countries & two people.

--- Forwarded Message ---From: Rick Perry
To: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 10:41 AM
Subject: The Presidency

The Presidency

As one of my strongest supporters, I want you to be among the first to hear the news. At 1:00PM EST, I will take the stage at the RedState Gathering in South Carolina and announce my candidacy for President of the United States of America.

I need your help during this critical launch to ignite our campaign and set us firmly on the path to victory. Please join us by donating $25, $50, $100, or even more to help spread our message across the nation.

RedState is a group of conservative bloggers fighting to bring principled, effective leadership and reform to the Washington spending machine that our federal government has become. They know, like we do, that any economic plan than envisions the hiring of millions of Americans can only start by laying off our current president.

I want to do for America what we have done in Texas to achieve unmatched job creation and personal liberty: balance budgets, reduce spending, reform the legal system, and lower taxes.I want to get America working again.

Today at 1PM Eastern, I hope you will tune into the live blog of the announcement at RickPerry.org.

As we work to open offices and reach voters across our great nation, please consider a donation to the campaign to get us up and running.

God bless you, and may God continue to bless America.


Perry And Feith can have a "Dumbest Man In The World" contest.


Col.....Did you have any/many contacts with Feith? Any choice comments?


Col. Lang:

In addition to Adam's reference to FP let me suggest Wiki.

Gov. Perry graduated from Texas A&M in 1972. He had been a yell leader and placed on academic probation. He was commissioned in the Air Force where he flew C-130 transports. In 1977 he joined his father who was in cotton farming.

There are no indications in the Governor's history to suggest that he spent much time honing his critical thinking skills. To me it makes perfect sense that he may be soliciting foreign policy advice from Douglas Feith.

There also seems to be some strange parallels between this governor of Texas and the one who just completed his second term as President of the United States.

What are the old sayings? Past behavior is the best predictor of . . .? Or maybe it's he who forgets history is doomed. . .?

Kieran Wanduragala

Mind blowing - the Rothko, that is. One step from the sublime to the ridiculous?

Jim Ticehurst

Interesting to Note in Adam Silvermans Link above that the Meeting with FEITH and others was arranged for Perry by none other than Donald Rumsfeld.


Douglas Feith?

That b**t-f**king stupid traitor to the USA?

Oh, jeesuzz.

William R. Cumming

Whoa! Do you people not understand that judgment is being delivered right now on all Texan's for their sins by a 50 year drought. Let us see King Perry end the drought like another king trying to roll back the tide.

Have you ever asked how many of those Green Mansions in Texas are fed by now well drained aquifers?

Let them drink oil!

Yellow Dog

Now, Bill, Governor Rick prayed for rain back in April, and the Lord delivered (at least here in North Texas)this last Saturday.

I did notice that the Lord waited until Governor Rick was in South Carolina, though.

R Whitman

As a Texan and not a Perry supporter. I can say that he has been incredibly lucky all his political life. He is not the sharpest tack in the box, but he is not prone to mistakes and gaffes. He really is as dull as Romney.

I hope Bachmann makes some headway. She is much more entertaining and probably has 25 IQ points over Perry.

With respect to foreign policy, this next election will be fought on the basis of the economy.

Mike Martin, Yorktown, VA

A little time on the google shows...

Perry and Feith met once o/a 19 Jul 11 - but that doesn't indicate anything about other comms betwixt them. Or between Perry and Wolfowitz, Perle, etc.

Perry awarded "Defender of Jerusalem" by GOI in 2009. First class travel by the governor and Mrs Perry plus his four person security detail to and from Israel - not sure who paid that bill - Texas or GOI.

Recent statements by Perry that his faith requires him to support Israel.

Letter from Perry to AG Holder (on Texas governor's letterhead) demanding that DOJ prosecute Americans involved in Gaza flotilla.

Yep, deja vu all over again...


Memo from Texas to my fellow Americans: Perry has been caught on tape repeatedly talking about secession. The campaign commercial almost writes itself: "The man who wants to President has campaigned on taking his state out of the Union."

Perry's best day of the campaign was the day he announced. Trust me.


Depleted aquifers? Nah ...

/cranks up the Republican Sophistriser

(a) Hysterical alarmism. There is water is aplenty in the land of plenty.
(b) The depletion of aquifiers is a very complex matter and not yet fully understood; before water use is to be restricted many more studies will have to be made.
(c) Restricting water use will make water more expensive which will hurt business.
(d) Citizen the inalienable right to have his garden green, if he so wishes, and can afford it. America is a free country.
(e) Regulating and restricting water use creates red tape and it hurts business.
(f) Restricting water use is socialism.
(g) God gave man dominion over earth
(h) Man (naturally, only those who're saved) will get a brand new, better earth soon anyway ... *wink* *wink* *nod* *nod*

My cousin lives in Texas. She can't wrap her head around the locals building essentially cardboard homes (yay, cheap housing) that cannot shield its inhabitants from the heat, making air condition an utter necessity - i.e. they burn oil to keep their homes cool. The Spanish were up to something when they built their missions and houses down there out of solid stone.

She told me of restaurants in Houston, Texas that cool down the air on the side walks so people can sit in the cool outside during the summer heat, naturally, consuming vast amounts of energy for that questionable purpose, and blowing it into the air. Madness.

When Americans can afford waste like that, then living, electricity, fuel and water are too cheap.

Charles I

WRC, that judgement is why we need Rick Perry. What's coming to us, as set out in Joel 2 will make a Texas drought look like a walk in the park on the road to salvation.

No need to drink oil, "the mountains shall drop down new wine, and the hills shall flow with milk. . ."

Joel 3:18

Things don't turn out to well in Egypt, though, doomed for desolation rather than the mere cleansing the worthies await, as the God of great mercy also has a vengeful streak.

There are hills and mountains n Texas, I trust?

Sean McBride

Some Israeli/Rick Perry vectors you might want to pay attention to:

1. Likud/Mossad > Israel lobby > Christian Zionists > Rick Perry

2. Likud/Mossad > Israel lobby > Douglas Feith > Rick Perry

3. Likud/Mossad > Israel lobby > Hudson Institute > Douglas Feith > Rick Perry

4. Likud/Mossad > Israel lobby > Iraq War ringleaders > Douglas Feith > Rick Perry

5. Likud/Mossad > Israel lobby > Iraq War ringleaders > William Luti > Rick Perry

6. Likud/Mossad > Israel lobby > neo-Confederates > Rick Perry

7. Likud/Mossad > Israel lobby > neoconservatives > Douglas Feith > Rick Perry

8. Likud/Mossad > Israel lobby > OSP (Office of Special Plans) > Douglas Feith > Rick Perry

9. Likud/Mossad > Israel lobby > OSP (Office of Special Plans) > William Luti > Rick Perry

10. Likud/Mossad > Israel lobby > William Luti > Rick Perry

Like most American politicians these days, from both the Republican and Democratic Parties, Rick Perry appears to be completely under the thumb of the most extreme regime in Israeli history. Not even Barack Obama dares to challenge Benjamin Netanyahu, Avigdor Lieberman and the religious settlers in a serious way. He has backed away from those confrontations with his tail between his legs. Many Democratic leaders will tolerate no criticism of the Israeli government whatever.

SAC Brat

How about testing the small government and secession fans' sincerity and put Texas up for sale to help pay off the US debt?

Sean McBride

Everything you need to know about Rick Perry:

Rick Perry categories: Bilderberger, Christian Zionist, Defender of Jerusalem Award winner, Douglas Feith advisee, Greater Israel supporter, Israeli op, Jabotinskyite, Koch brothers op, Likud op, neo-Confederate, neocon op, pro-Israel militant

William R. Cumming

There is no "free" water. Water is substantially under priced world wide and over 1 billion have NO access to potable water.

Did you know that GERMAN companies are buying up USA water companies as fast as they become available?

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