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13 August 2011


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William R. Cumming

So much for the notion That Nations Can be Built!

Why did the Flag ranks not standup to announce that Afghanistan cannot be done by Christian forces waving a US Flag? Or was that not the truth?

Charles I

The important thing is, The Governor survived, ergo its governed.

Afghanistan: Many die in assault on governor's compound



I can't believe there haven't been more commentors on this entry. Maybe I'm missing something here, but what the heck is the US military doing running a prison in Afghanistan? And why are we telling them when they can take over our/their prison on their soil? This is really upside down.


The shadow over democracy:

government auctions

The existence of the U.S. military prison near Bagram Airfield, about 30 miles north of Kabul, has long been seen by Afghans as a sign of imperial overreach, and it has been singled out for criticism by President Hamid Karzai." washpost.

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