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07 March 2011


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William R. Cumming

More interesting take on ME by PL and others. PL! Is Saudi Arabia the biggest domino of all and the most worrisome to US policy makers?
What are the exact reasons? Oil? Indirect support of Wahabism? Jihad? Stragtic location vis a vis Iran? What would be the worse case if the Saudi Royal family collapsed? How strong is the Shia minority in Saudi Arabia? I am trying to see if there are bounds to US concerns or is this just thinking the unthinkable?

Patrick Lang


There is only one thing importants about SA. OIL!! Vast amounts of it. Nothing else is of real significance in the big sand box of the Jezira Arabia. If it were not for the oil we would have no interest at all in SA> pl

William R. Cumming

Ah! Truth,Justice, and the American Way!

Thanks PL!

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