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11 August 2010


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Maureen Lang

Thanks for the TA post link, Pat.

You didn't say "no Tin Eye" in your question, so...

Jeju, Korea


Your wife is talented.

Patrick Lang


Maureen is my sister. My wife's name is Marguerite. pl

Jeff Ewing

The statue is at "Loveland," Jeju, South Korea: http://www.vacationideas.me/asia/jeju-loveland-theme-park-south-korean-island/

I discovered this by plugging your image, Colonel, into Tineye, the reverse image search engine and then following the link it gave me.

Maureen Lang


Now you might try the two self portraits not already identified over at The Athenaeum post, sans TinEye, of course.


When I got married in Seoul almost exactly 24 years ago this month, my bride and I spent our first few days touring around Jeju island. Back then there was nothing like these sites, though it was a traditional honeymoon destination for Koreans. The only statues I remember seeing were Buddhas and the old "grandfather" icon statues. I suppose the latter because of their shape had phallic innuendos....

Cold War Zoomie

...where is this statue?

On the road to Hell with all its naughtiness!

ffxiv gil

Back then there was nothing like these sites, though it was a traditional honeymoon destination for Koreans.

Patrick Lang

ffxiv gil

You posted this three times. pl

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