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24 August 2010


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William R. Cumming

It might be of interest to study who officially has registered as a foreign agent under FARA for the Israeli government?

And of course it would be of interest to know of FARA application to IRAN-which has a wealthy and active ex-pat community in the US! res

Roy G

Reminds me of Foxcomm Wireless--remember them? The Israeli startup that hired Jack Abramoff as their lobbyist and bribed Bob Ney to secure a contract installing wireless antennas...in the freaking White House.

robt willmann

In late 2001, I think it was, an unusually revealing four part series was broadcast on Fox News on the very subject addressed by Philip Giraldi in his article above.

The first part talked about Israeli spying activity before the events of September 11, 2001, and Israelis detained afterwards; the video is here--


The second part discussed an Israeli company known at that time as Amdocs, which does billing as an independent contractor for phone companies in the U.S. and foreign countries. This gives Israel everybody's phone records, numbers, and addresses. In 1999, the National Security Agency (NSA) warned law enforcement that telephone calling records were getting into foreign hands, especially to Israel.


Part three goes into a company known then as Comverse Infosys, an Israeli entity that got contracts to do wiretapping for law enforcement in the U.S. after the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) was passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton on 25 October 1994. It is Public Law 103-414.
FBI attempts to test the security of the wiretapping system mandated by CALEA were "halted before the actual equipment has ever been thoroughly tested for leaks".


Part four notes a compromised 1997 criminal investigation into Israeli organized crime involvement in drug trafficking and credit card and computer fraud, again mentioning Amdocs and Comverse Infosys. And it shows former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer and secretary of state Colin Powell pass the buck about Israelis detained after September 11, 2001 by referring the questioners to the Department of Justice.


Places into which an organization, criminal syndicate, or foreign government would want to infiltrate agents are a matter of common sense: not only into the executive branch of the federal government, but also into the legislative and judicial branches. Get your agent or mole hired as a Congressional staffer, or, better yet, elected as a representative or senator; or hired as a lawyer in the Justice Department or a U.S. Attorney's Office; or appointed a federal judge. And private companies and organizations possess useful data and technology.

As was discussed in the old news report cited above, getting the contract to handle all of a telephone company's billing gives you access to all calling records, both local and long distance, of all phone subscribers, their names and addresses, and the physical address of each land line telephone in the United States.

Do banks and credit card companies contract out some of their record keeping and billing activities? Are your bank statement and scanned checks done by employees at your local bank, or by an outside contractor?

What about your local utility company? Who develops the computer software? Who does the billing for the utility?

Keep your eye on companies that will try to get the contracts to develop the computer software to handle the required (and unconstitutional) electronic medical records coming up. Is a private company going to get to store your electronic medical records?

And so on.

Not only are outside contractors such as Amdocs and Comverse Infosys perfectly placed to spy and help with criminal activity and fraud, but they are paid to do so by the targets of their misconduct and make a profit doing it!


The Mossad maggots who pose as U.S. Intel need to be on one hand burned, arrested, and deported, and on the other hand shadowed to see if there is a bigger picture at play, a 50/50 call. And if the decision to burn/arrest the Mossad maggot is decided upon, then the Mossad maggot need to be told if they ever try and come on American soil again, they will be spending life behind bars in a U.S. prison cell, or shipped home to Israel in a body bag.


Too late to do much about it.



IMO it is 'never' too late to do something. Mossad operating on U.S. soil could be brought to a dead halt, a 'dead' halt if earnest measures were taken. All it would take are a few examples and then Mossad HQ would get the drift. Mossad HQ has American blood on their Mossad maggot hands, and IMO are no different from Al-Qaeda. Mossad is 75% responsible for the deaths of 241 American Military personnel when they intentionally withheld critical Intelligence that could have spared their lives and prevented the Beirut Barracks bombing.

Cloned Poster

Isreal is the 51st State of the USA and the most powerful one, more than the other 50 put together.

The beaver

Wasn't Verint-Comverse involved in the capture of Abdullah Ocalan in Kenya?

Israel helped Turkey via Verint forfeiting the security of the syatem.


The psycho/geography of the American/Anglo brain/mind has been examined and mapped, with specific areas/thoughts forbidden by social instruction, the media, etc. If one is curious or stupid enough to venture into these Wonderlands, trouble will be your only friend. Save your tinfoil for the turkey. Nuff said.


Reminds me of Foxcomm Wireless--remember them? The Israeli startup that hired Jack Abramoff as their lobbyist and bribed Bob Ney to secure a contract installing wireless antennas...in the freaking White House.

As far as I know they still have the White House contract under a different name. That was never supposed to be the case. I know it because I managed a significant portion of it. When it was discovered that Israel was providing the telecommunications for the White House (1995? 1996?) separate and apart from FTS2000/2001-- and they didn't even bother to hide it; didn't have to, Clinton's peccadilloes were all the rage then) -- they quickly made it a US subsidiary without changing the parent ownership and bluffed the rest.

Anyone who bitched, as I did to the high heavens, in April 1994 when CALEA went through was subsequently labeled a conspiracy theorist. "Conspiracy theorist' wasn't invented until the summer of 1995 by Mark Fabiani in the WH bowels to head off British reportering, and disseminated as opprobrium by a willing and compliant Larry King all that summer to put it into the American lexicon...and Americans have willingly succumbed to its taint ever since.


No, I did not mean reportering. The edit from reporter to reporting didn't take.


I read Phil Tourney's account of his being accosted. I consider any threat to him as a threat to myself and every other citizen of my country.
The guy that threatened Mr. Tourney said, "The crew of the USS Liberty deserved to die".


So basically what is being said here is that American intentions and thinking is perfectly visible to Israel, as was the German High Command's thanks to Turing s work on Enigma?

To test that theory would require deep historical analysis of "coincidences" in the development and implementation of American policy to look for statistical bias in outcomes.

The German situation was somewhat different, but the German military historians did the same analysis after WWII and were forced to invent a whole range of improbable theories about why certain campaigns failed, due to consistently unhelpful "coincidences". A common invention was "a spy in the high command".

All their work had to be pulped in 1975 when Prof. R.V. Jones revealed we were reading their mail, almost continuously at times, and put them out of their misery.

I don't know if the White House has the means or the desire to do anything about this and other matters.

William R. Cumming

Maybe wrong but I think all those "Not Gentlemen" in the world are reading key US message traffic, wire and wireless communications, and even eavesdropping on key conversations domestically and abroad impacting US policy development, implementation, or operations? Why? Those other than gentlemen have one big fat target easily reached to pickpocket the purse of his personal communications. Rebuttal? Could it be that the failure of even Critical Infrastructure Protection efforts by enhanced cyber security is that no one wants to have the US give up its "info sharing"?


BY coincidence Wikilleaks has just published a recent CIA "Red Team" note regarding "what if" America was perceived to be an exporter of terrorism.

One paragraph in it is directly germane to Mr. Giraldis assertion that a Liberty Survivor was targeted by Mossad - not without precedent:

" In extreme cases, US refusal to cooperate with foreign government requests for extradition might lead some governments to consider secretly extracting US citizens
suspected of foreign terrorism from US soil.Foreign intelligence operations on US soil to neutralize or even assassinate individuals in the US deemed to be a threat are not without precedent. Before the US entered World War II, British intelligence carried out information operations against prominent US citizens deemed to be isolationists or sympathetic to the Nazis. Some historians who have examined relevant archives even suspect that British intelligence officers assassinated Nazi agents on US soil. (S//NF)



Is there a western conspiracy to protect Israeli agents?
"Germany's treatment of suspected Mossad assassin Uri Brodsky makes a mockery of justice and rule of law"

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