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01 August 2010


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I wouldn't go too far Israel with indoctrinating your children to be that way, the Red Guards and Pol Pot come to mind.

Norbert M. Salamon

Israel and many of her citizens act as a failed state and or morally bankrupt individuals/ entities.

Shame on the Administration and Congress and individuals thereof, as applicable, for supporting such amoral actions [as going on for over 60 years].


They weren't stopped from vandalizing. Was there adult supervision? Or was there tacit consent? When kids are being primed that way, nothing good will come of it.


I'm sure Max Blumenthal will be called a "self hating Jew" if he hasn't been called that already.

Do Israelis ever look at their actions and cringe? It does make me wonder sometimes.

Norbert M. Salamon

off topic:

Exclusive Press TV interview with Ahmadinejad regarding possible talks in september



G-d damn them. I'd like to be more eloqent but at this point, what's left?


he is being called that already.


Doesn't it just prove that being an "Arab moderate" means you are just the next victim?

These Bedoium have been passive for generations...and yet they are still being ethnically cleansed.

Our sanctimonious congress will remain silent. And we wonder why American policy in the ME is failing?


But is not America the failed state?

That subsidizes Israel, arms her, runs interference for her at the U.N.

And the clincher invades MidEast countries at her supporters instigation killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of indigenous peoples. Never mind the five thousand Dead Americans and twenty thousand wounded at station Irak.

Next stop for the train is Iran. Not that the Persians have the WMD that the Israelis have or that the Irakis were accused of having, but that they might not BECOME NUCLEAR CAPABLE as signatories of the NP Treaty they are entitled to be!

What is that line from Shakespeare- the fault lies in ourselves.

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