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06 July 2010


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N M Salamon

Thank Colonel Lang and Mr. Seale effort [successful]to clarify the actions pertaining to the establishment of HAMAS, an issue which was almost an urban legend for some years now.

Another blowback caused by UNEDUCATED POLITICAL OPERATORS.

The other blowback from this affair is the loss of legimacy of FATAH, the Palestine faction supported by Israel and the USA.

Is there hope for peace in ME land, when the POLITICAL LEADERSHIP is totally incomprenhansive regarding Arab culture, Arab religion, far right Israeli politicians' misinterpretation of REALITY?


Israel also aided Iran during the 1980's. I'm sure there are other examples. These examples show the danger of prioritizing short-term interests over long-term strategy, which is one of several diseases that afflict Israeli strategic thinking.


“After 1967, a great part of the success of the Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood was due to their activities among the refugees of the Gaza Strip. The cornerstone of the Islamic movements success was an impressive social, religious, educational and cultural infrastructure, called Da'wah, that worked to ease the hardship of large numbers of Palestinian refugees, confined to camps, and many who were living on the edge. "

So Hamas was practacing COIN since 1967? According to today's NYT "Today half a million Israeli Jews live in lands captured during the June 1967 Middle East war."

"Brig. Gen. Yithaq Segev, the military governor of Gaza,..."

I wonder how many Americans are aware the only 'democracy' in the Middle East has had a military governor in Gaza since '67 - or am I missing something?


Blowback is a bitch.


Years ago I was talking to someone who was going off about Hamas. I informed him Israel was partly responsible for Hamas. He looked at me like I had two heads.

Patrick Lang


There is absolutely no doubt about it. pl


Do you mean "there is absolutely no doubt about it" that I have two heads!

Sorry for poking fun at you. Most of our fellow citizens are unaware of the Hamas deal.

Did you read the NYTimes article today about how the US Treasury treats donations to Israel's settlements as tax deductible. If this double standard stopped, I think we could finally see a push for peace.

Patrick Lang


Was your point not about why McChrystal was fired? I understood you to have said that you thought he was fired for "badmouthing" the Afghanistan War and I insisted that he was fired for disrespect. pl

Mark@Hoodia Gordonii

I just hope the war between these two races will end eventually. It is very sad to hear a lot of casualties and deaths because of this war that is going on between them.


Maybe Cynthia, maybe not Jackie?
Previous thread.

Patrick Lang

Jackie, Cynthia

I mixed these two things up. We had a difficult day yesterday. I had to take my dog, Ashby to the vet for another operation and it was hot as hell here. Sorry. pl


I hope your dog is okay and it cools down soon.

Patrick Lang


He had another tumor. That was removed and he had to be "fixed" as the vet thinks that the tumor was testosterone "pumped." pl


Mark, it is not about race. They are the same race with crusaders thrown in on one side and Eastern Europeans thrown in on the other. It is not about religion either. Zionism is first and foremost default secular nationalism in conflict with orthodoxy, though based on religious identity. It is default nationalism because in the disintegration of the Austrian Hungarian Empire and in the unification process of Germany, nations were defined by language and heritage not by state as in France. It is about colonialism, the cold war and the Islamic Green Belt theory turned into the Clash of Civilizations. So it is about US strategy.
What would you say, is peace in the interest of the US or is it tension?

Patrick Lang


"is peace in the interest of the US or is it tension?" More nonsense. Is it fulfilling to babble like this? Do you really think the US wants a continuation of the Arab/Israeli struggle? pl

William P. Fitzgerald III

Pat Lang,

It's hard to tell what America wants. However, if we are to be "known by our deeds alone", our actions over the decades indicate that we do want a continuation of the conflict. I think thats a valid conclusion despite the occasional crocodile tear over Israeli behavior and minor shifts in policy. Of course, many in this country are not in favor of a continuation, nevertheless,the will of the nation as embodied by the Congress and the executive branch has resulted in policies that will keep the conflict going.


Patrick Lang


"indicate that we do want a continuation of the conflict."

No. We are merely inept and easily manipulated. pl

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