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19 April 2010


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I'm glad to hear that. Congratulations!


Congratulations Col. Lang!


Alf mabruk.

dan of steele

Good luck! I was browsing the whos who and noticed that one country of the middle east is not well represented in your council.

I guess that means you have your work cut out for you.


Excellent!! Congratulations!!

Patrick Lang

dan of steele

If you mean that the Israeli side of things is underrepresented on the board, you are correct. We are going to find some balance for that issue, balance that will enable a union of interests in pursuit of the larger American foreign policy interest. pl


Colonel, Congratulations!

The Twisted Genius

Congratulations!. Looks like the MEPC is in agreement with the wise words of the birdhouse maker.

Maureen Lang

Excellent news, congratulations!

For any commenters who, like myself, might wish to bookmark their site:


Clifford Kiracofe



Congratulations! MEPC is lucky to have you at the helm!


mac nayeri

Colonel, Congratulations!

Heather Carrington

Congratulations Uncle Pat!!


Congrats Pat.

The MEPC recently published a fine speech by Chas Freeman: An Empire Decomposed: American Foreign Relations
In the Early 21st Century

Recommended reading!


They made an outstanding choice, Colonel.

Independent thinking seems to be in short supply these days, so this is especially good news for all.

Bobby Murray

Kudos, well deserved Colonel Lang!

frank durkee


Cloned Poster

Congrats, like you say above:

We are going to find some balance for that issue, balance that will enable a union of interests in pursuit of the larger American foreign policy interest

Go do it.

grae castle

i echo the sentiment. congratulations.

Patrick Lang


Stay tuned. pl


Congratulations. Just read the Journals interview with Israel Shahak and found it to be an eye-opening perspective.

Charles I


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