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31 December 2008


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Sherry Long

Happy New Year, Colonel.

Sherry and Rob


Happy New Year Colonel!

What's on our plate for 2009? Israeli US envoy Meridor lets loose:

Israel's envoy to the U.S., Sallay Meridor, on Tuesday blamed Iran for the situation in Gaza.

"What you see in Gaza is made by Iran - it's funded by Iran, the terrorists are trained by Iran, it's supplied by Iran, the know-how to create short range rockets is Iranian, he said. "As an octopus, Iran has proxies in region and beyond the region, and at the same time they?re moving towards nuclear weapons."

"This is not a separate Israeli problem or a threat to Israel, this is very well-connected to the threat in Mumbai, Be'er Sheva, or God forbid, NYC, and we can defeat it only if we stand together determined not to let those terrorists to kill citizens and destroy our way of life.

Some things are just so obvious.

frank durkee

Thanks and the same to you and yours.

Cloned Poster

I fear 2009 will not be a happy one for those that taxes

Maureen Lang

Happy New Year's Eve to you dear brother, and the same to all the posters here.

Mike C. , welcome & happy blogging.

Going to a get together at your niece's apt., Pat. Ann from Toronto has flown in for the hols and will be there. Good times.

Wish you & yours could be there. Nat reminds me a lot of you these days, so focused & intense in whatever she does.

Have a great time tonight.


TO ABSENT FRIENDS......Yours in Peace


In my father's time we would be eating a Virginia Ham with our greens and field peas for new Year's Dinner. Today we have settled for ham hocks. But to be honest they taste almost as good because you cannot buy a good ham here in the NW.

Maybe next year?

Hope your 2009 is both pleasant and prosperous.

Mad Dogs

Happy New Year to all!

"Let us not drink to the past, but to the future."


A happy new year to everyone here at SST. And a toast To the Col. for making SST the intriguing place that it is. Cheers!


Here's to a year with fewer casualties and more compassion.


Colonel, and posters:

Santé! Prosit! L'chaim! Nastrovia! ¡Salud!


To the Colonel! Happy New Year, all.


My mother made the traditional Western Cuban New Year's day food, paella:


Wish I could send everyone a plate, because it was perfect!

Supposed to mean that the New Year starts on the right foot, hopefully everyone else in this forum starts off on the right foot.

Happy New Year to all...

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