""I hope you will be an artist, as it seems to me you are cut out for one. But, whatever you do, try to prove to the world that if we did not succeed in our struggle, we are worthy of success, and do earn a reputation in whatever profession you undertake," Robert E. Lee told a young Moses Ezekiel.
Although mostly forgotten by moderns, Moses J. Ezekiel was one of the most renowned artists of the 19th century. Ezekiel was an ardent American patriot and, at the same time, an unrepentant Confederate. He was the first Jewish cadet to enroll at Virginia Military Institute.
Stan Cohen and Keith Gibson's concise yet thorough book about the American artist and Confederate soldier provides us with a fascinating glimpse into Ezekiel's life and work. The book is divided into two parts: Part One is about Ezekiel's life." Wash Times
Moses Ezekiel was knighted by the King of Italy, Victor Emmanuel. Consequently, it seems strange to me to see his name without the appelation "Sir" preceding it. When I was 18 and in my first year at his alma mater and mine, he was one of the gods whose name was used to conjure up a vision of the possibilities of accomplishment in life. I admire all his work but none more than the statue of Edgar Allen Poe at the University of Baltimore. pl
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