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31 December 2007


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Andy Mink

Dear Pat,

I wish a happy new year to you, your family and everybody on this blog that has been a great inspiration and one of the best things that I've come across this year.

Prost and Cheers, Andy Mink


Happy New Year, and thanks for the great contributions by You and the posters on your blog.

Cheers :)


Happy New Year to you and all your readers, Col. Lang. We're grateful for your contribution here at Sic Semper Tyrannis.

Are you changing the date on the blog title (Sic Semper Tyrannis 2008)?

If anybody wants to read my article on meat-eating in the leftist Beirut newspaper Al-Akhbar, here it is (in Arabic):


and if you want my original (I wrote it in English, somebody else translated) you can read it here:


The cow in the cartoon guarantees that his meat is free of "Mad Human Disease."

PS I am not against meat eating, I just think we should eat locally grown, family-ranched meat with minimal pesticides and drugs added.

Sidney O. Smith III

Happy New Year. And I raise a glass in thanks, first, for this website and, second, to those responsible for the 2007 NIE.

David W

My thanks to Col. Lang, and to all of the posters here--you've provided large doses of perspective and critical thinking, as well as a ray of light through the darkness.

I wish you all strength and perseverance for 2008--Sic Semper Tyrannis, and Illegitimus Non Tatum Carborundum!


Thank you for another year at SST, Col. Lang. A Happy New Year to you and to my fellow readers. May the upcoming year bring you the best.

anna missed

Cheers all to the new year - hope there will be something to celebrate this time a year from now.

Mad Dogs


I'll drink to that! The best to you and yours in 2008!


Best wishes for the new year, Colonel.

Thanks for your good work in creating and maintaining this site. Your intellectual generosity is greatly appreciated!


Happy New Year to you, Pat Lang. This blog is one of the best things I've discovered on the internet. I thoroughly respect your point of view, and look forward to each new post. My 2 cents worth: The USA is embarking on horribly conceived paths throughout the world. The one thing that will save us is that we remain the country of hope for the oppressed of the world (yes, Mexican illegals, too). This has been our strength and our lifeblood. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, ... If this ever escapes us, we are doomed because we certainly spread crap over the rest of the planet. It amounts to relatively nothing - good or bad - what we do outside our borders. It is everything, that which we do within. That is why BushCo can ride his horse and s**t wherever he wants - it isn't going to change anyone's opinion of us. But he has tried it at home, and he/them certainly don't have any idea of the ramifications of that. But they will in '08. I've been throughout the world most of my life - beginning in 'Nam and since with the oil patch to countries both rich and poor. The amazing thing is that people everywhere (not everyone) love us. No matter what we do, they still look upon us with hope, and, dare I say, with respect. It would take a generation of BushCo to blow that. The Know Nothing Party was the most ill-conceived idea in American politics. After that comes the neocons' idea of our role in the world. Change is the continuum that rules life (and everything inanimate). Hopefully, it will always be our guiding light. Don't you just love the Statue of Liberty? - go see it if you haven't.


Happy New Year to you, Pat Lang. This blog is one of the best things I've discovered on the internet. I thoroughly respect your point of view, and look forward to each new post. My 2 cents worth: The USA is embarking on horribly conceived paths throughout the world. The one thing that will save us is that we remain the country of hope for the oppressed of the world (yes, Mexican illegals, too). This has been our strength and our lifeblood. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, ... If this ever escapes us, we are doomed because we certainly spread crap over the rest of the planet. It amounts to relatively nothing - good or bad - what we do outside our borders. It is everything, that which we do within. That is why BushCo can ride his horse and s**t wherever he wants - it isn't going to change anyone's opinion of us. But he has tried it at home, and he/them certainly don't have any idea of the ramifications of that. But they will in '08. I've been throughout the world most of my life - beginning in 'Nam and since with the oil patch to countries both rich and poor. The amazing thing is that people everywhere (not everyone) love us. No matter what we do, they still look upon us with hope, and, dare I say, with respect. It would take a generation of BushCo to blow that. The Know Nothing Party was the most ill-conceived idea in American politics. After that comes the neocons' idea of our role in the world. Change is the continuum that rules life (and everything inanimate). Hopefully, it will always be our guiding light. Don't you just love the Statue of Liberty? - go see it if you haven't.


Happy New Year, Happy New Year.

Thank you once again, Col., for all of the work you put in to bring this forum to the public square. The Founders of this country would be proud. I hope the new year finds you and your loved ones happy and well.


SubKommander Dred

Charlottesville, Virginia
31 December 2008

A few of my predictions for 2008 are as follows:

1) Polyester leisure suits make a big comeback.
2) Esperanto becomes THE language of international finance.
3) Larry Craig ungergoes intense psyhiatric counseling to cure him of his 'Wide Stance,' only to have an epiphany, subsequently undergoing sex reassignment surgery and changing his name to Loretta.
4) A medical science breakthrough allows cell phones to be implanted directly into peoples brains, causing tens of millions to become indistinguishable from the average schizophrenic, as both conditions feature the hearing of 'voices in their head.'
5) No one really cares about anything Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears says or does anymore.
6) The top executives of America's premier financial and investment firms, fleeing the wrath of angry shareholders after the collapse of the economy, escape to a small, remote and desolate hunting camp deep in the woods of Alabama, only to be discovered by crazed rednecks, who think they all have purty mouth's.
7) The American public finally realizes that there really is nothing worth watching on Teevee, and burn their HDTV plasma screens in huge community bonfires.
8) Fred Thompson admits he's really not interested in being President after all, and only hit the campaign trail to 'have something to do with my time.'
9) Douglas Feith pens his autobiography, "My Idol Has Always Been Wile e. Coyote, Super Genius."
10) My brother in law finally gets a clue and shuts up about what a great job George W Bush is doing.

Happy New Year to all.

SubKommander Dred

Cloned Poster

Happy new year and Col. Lang supports who?

The Citizen

And Happy New Year to you too, sir.

May 2008 finally see reason and common sense inhabit 1600 Penn. Avenue and it's surroundings.


Thomas R Stone

To all of those who have brightened MY year with cogent and apt obervations,--HNY, and hopefully many more!


happy all year pat. and same also to all y'all.


Happy New Year!!

Thanks PL, for keeping this blog going with your incisive analysis and commentary and to all who participate to make it interesting.

May 2008 bring about a new sense of resolve among my fellow citizens to not let the DC chattering classes rule the roost to our detriment.



Happy New year Colonel Lang. I hope your site will remain a shelter from the storms generated by the stupid and feckless who have sailed our ship of state unto the shoals with alarming regularity.

Cold War Zoomie

Happy New Year, everyone.

I'll echo everyone's comments that this is a great blog run by you, Col Lang. Thanks for putting your time and effort into it.

I have learned so much the last year from everyone posting on this site.

Finally, don't forget to put that ham hock in with your blackeyed peas today.

Some kind of good!


Cold War Zoomie

Hope everyone's year starts off better than these two knuckleheads!

Handguns & Tattoos

Guess these 22 year olds aren't as invisible and bulletproof as they thought.

Nancy Kimberlin

Happy New Year. I too love this blog, and Colonel Lang, I am very thankful for Sic Semper Tyrannis.
I'm a Calif girl, however I made black eyed peas and greens and we just finished eating them for breakfast, so I'm sure 08 will be a great year, especially after the elections.

David Habakkuk

Happy New Year to everyone.

I have followed Sidney Smith's example, and raised a glass in thanks, both for this website -- and also, to those responsible for the 2007 NIE.


Happy New Year to All.

May it bring prosperity, good health and thoughtful insight from all.


And to Messr's Habakkuk, Sale and Farrell, a hearty thank you for your superb contributions here.

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