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20 December 2005


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you said the operative word -- 'one time'.


The Regimists' WMD is an amalgam of abstractions: hubris-ignorance-incompetence .


Now, on to Victory!!

I am being sarcastic too.


I think the U.S. administration is learning a valuable lesson finally - that no matter how powerful they think they are, and despite the obvious efforts to influence the elections, outcomes in Iraq on a variety of fronts are totally out of the control of the United States government. Realities "on the ground" will almost always trump the imagined scenarios in the minds of those who depend on think tanks in Washington.


Colonel, you have described the administration as suffering from a "massively delusive disconnect from reality." I have to agree. These statements were all made in the past week:
--- Secretary of State Rice: "But that does not cloud the fact that what happened in Iraq a few days ago is that the Iraqi people ... went out and voted 11 million strong for the first constitutional parliamentary democracy in the Arab world. That is going to make the United States of America safer ... we know, too, that when American values and American power are married, as they were after World War II, we know now that when you have democracies that are friends of the United States, we know that the possibilities for peace, for permanent peace, for truly stable peace, are enhanced. And that's what the removal of Saddam Hussein has made possible."
--- Sen. Carl Levin: "We've got to tell them [the Iraqis] they need to come together politically or we're going to have to reconsider our presence in Iraq. That's the club, that's the leverage which we must exercise."
--- Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld: "We can't lose the war over there. The only place you can lose it would be Washington, D.C."
This is all demonstrably untrue, unreasonable, or contrary to historical precedent. However, when real events catch up with the fantastic these people will revise history to suit, as they have in the past. A new set of "facts" will be manufactured and distributed. The public, through apathy or gullibility, will follow along.
I appreciate your efforts to bring reason and sanity to the situation. What actions can we, as individuals without your expertise and standing, take to help avert further disaster?

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