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05 November 2005


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is this for Bush & Chaney too?


Charlotte Beers must be advising them again.







I optimisticaly read this as the first shift. The claim from the right was that nothing was done wrong.

Bill Buckley has acted to restore some conservative common sense by saying it's wrong to expose agents:


This is a given to traditionalists and the dittoheads may find themselves in an awkward position.

Of coursse the issue beyond that is whether there has been a destructive and continuing coup in intelligence agencies and the military. I think there are enough issues raised to warrant investigation. I am disturbed by how many "modeates" have fallen for the rightwing game that this is simply partisan politics.

Yes, adversarial relations are the thechnique, but they are not the only issues. The right has denied this reality believing for example that Iraq and the mideast don't exist in a meaningful way and that the war can always be "won" by blaming the media and liberals for reporting bad news.


Forgive me for being snide, but saying "ethics" and "Bush White House" in the same sentence makes my head reel.
As long as they're having classes, I hope they address the other endemic "corporate problem" of people taking snacks from the tray without throwing a quarter in the box.
What a joke.

The Church Lady

How convenient.


I don't think this will bring them into a state of Grace. pl


So we've got a bunch of knuckleheads running this country who are so clueless they need someone to explain the difference between right and wrong to them? Good God!


You forgot an interesting detail. The ethic class will start with Bush reading "My Pet Goat".


As a friend of mine who is a business school professsor pointed out, ethics courses are usually offered and needed in environments in which it is not readily apparent that people should behave ethically and where good ethical role models are lacking.

J Thomas

Why would anyone think this is more than media damage control? Sure, everybody will have to go to the meetings, but it isn't like they expect it to make a difference. More like the troops riding into iraq who had to wear full protective gear in 90+ degree heat because they had intelligence reports that Saddam had a whole lot of WMDs he might use against them....


Wonder who will get the contract to do the ARETE-IS-US glossy brochures and power point presentation.

No time to put it out for bids.

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