"(maybe you’ve found something to yuck about at Mass; 50 years and I haven’t…)" 50? Don't BS me, pal, you were in Pontius Pilate's bodyguard.
"Gardens of Stone?" I remember that one. "It's a family business and the business is not going well."
Pat Lang
thanks for the .doc file.
So where was it shot? Good locality can redeem a lot of bad movie. Damn thing was probably shot in Canada. They assume people won't notice that Canadian cities don't look like US cities (too clean, for one thing) any more than US cities look like one another.
Posted by: | 29 November 2005 at 03:51 PM
Does Farrell Happen to have a review of Paths of Glory in his files?
Posted by: | 29 November 2005 at 03:53 PM