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06 November 2005


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But it says PATRIOT right there in the title!!!

I think we should refuse to call it the (USA) PATRIOT Act and refer to it as the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act. Because what the act has to do with partiotism is beyond me.


The worst part is the databasing they are doing with this information.

If you wonder next year why they kick off a plane or revoke your credit line there is good chace that show you did land in their nets.

Michael Murry

From "The Devil's Dictionary," by Ambrose Bierce:

"Patriotism, n. Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of anyone anxious to illuminate his name.

In Doctor Johnson's famous dictionary patriotism is defined as the last resort of a scoundrel. With all due respect to an enlightened but inferior lexicographer I beg to submit that it is the first."

I have thought recently of starting my own philosophical school. I have tentatively decided to call it Ex-Patriotism: the idea and practice of living happily in someone else's country rather than dying miserably in one's own. Something like that. I think I know at last why Voltaire fled his native France and took up residence in Switzerland.


Just like the 50's. Of course then the FBI, CIA and Army intel (amonst others) had infiltrated a number of groups protesting US policy. As my father told me prior to his passing that on his last tour as a senior nco at jcs he had been asked by a number of senior officers about his opion of one protest or another, he opened the Washington Post, pointed to the photo and named 3 of the men in the front row and said when he had served with them on active duty and wouldn't it be better not to have our own government running the leadership of protest groups. As dad said, the response was "thanks sargeant" and the subject was never mentioned again.

Sally Stropee

As I have posted elsewhere, this is a Gestapo tactic by goose-stepping government agents in FBI clothes. It is horrific that so many Americans are willing to carry out the dirty deeds of this Administration, be it torture or surveillance or any of the other dastardly things that seem to amuse the goons in power. It was not that long ago that Hitler's countrymen intimidated and gassed their own people and slaughtered whomever they chose outside of Germany. As long as the Bush regime is copying Hitler's tactics, let's call them what they are. Surveille me, you ugly unAmericans.

Sally Strope

To add to my earlier post, Hitler's Nazi said they were "just following orders" when their depravity came to light.

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