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16 October 2005


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Thanks be to the Ineffable she hath so few redeeming qualities.

In that we are fortunate.

Michael Murry

So, I understand she went to jail for 85 days to protect the identity of a source she can't recall?

Sounds like that old Nixon-era "modified limited hang out" to me.


A couple of thoughts:

1. Judy Miller is clearly a master manipulator. Just look at how she manipulated the management at the NY Times and in the process did great damage to that paper.

2. She is definately playing games with the special prosecutor. She told him and the grand jury that she couldn't remember who gave her the name "Valerie Flame". She obtained this name shortly before Novak wrote his column outing Wilson's wife. There is NO WAY that she would have forgotten who gave her the name. She is lying to the special prosecutor. That is a very dangerous thing to do. Why is she doing it? It doesn't make sense to me that it is to protect Libby since she has already burned him with her other testimony. I think it has to be someone else she is protecting. It may be that she has another source that she doesn't want to give up, but she also doesn't want to go back to jail. Her supposed agreement with the prosecutor to limit her testimony to Libby not withstanding, she may have decided to claim poor memory rather than chance another showdown that could either force her back to jail or force her to give up a second source who did not give her a waiver. If she did the latter, she couldn't claim to be standing up for the journalistic principle of protecting her sources.


Fitzgerald won't go after her because in the end she is a small fish - a journalist who didn't even write a story. Her culpability is limited to any perjurious statements and/or obstructive behavior. She is the only person to go to jail so far.

Sure, it appears as if she forgot her role as a journalist and acted as a propagandist. Bad on her, fire her, excoriate her, she deserves it all.

When you are getting ready to indict some of the most powerful political figures in the country, the interest in Judy Miller is simply as a supporting witness. We still don't know what she told Fitzgerald. We have no reason to believe whatever she told us was the full truth and/or all the news that is fit to print...


Anybody has opinion about Judy having some security clearance? Is there a way to check this? Cause this can explain a lot of Judy's weird behavior.


Miller guarded her exclusive access with ferocity. When the Washington
Post's Barton Gellman overlapped in the unit for a day, Miller instructed
its members that they couldn¹t talk with him. According to Pomeroy, 'She told people that she had clearance to be there and Bart didn't.' (One other witness confirms this account.)

Yogi McCaw

Very right-on commentary about Judy. She's not helping anybody by her behavior, not even herself. Her myopia is as tragic as her co-horts.
The NYT still has plenty of good reporters, but after Jason Blair and Judy, their trust capital has certainly been affected.

Curious et Yogi

My guess would be that the clearance came to her because of her allegiances and not the other way around. pl


Did Miller have clearance?: Rep. John Conyers wants to know


October 17, 2005

The Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld
Department of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1000

Dear Mr. Secretary:

We write about reports that journalists who were embedded with U.S. forces in Iraq were given security clearances. In her recounting of discussions with Scooter Libby, the Vice President's Chief of Staff, New York Times reporter Judith Miller, disclosed her belief that she had a security clearance. She specifically wrote, "[d]uring the Iraq war, the Pentagon had given me clearance to see secret information as part of my assignment `embedded' with a special military unit hunting for unconventional weapons." She also noted she was not certain whether her clearance was in existence at the time she met with Mr. Libby.

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