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08 September 2005


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Napoleon had the virtue of not being part of a kakistocracy.
He also had the luxury of having professional military men not perfumed princes under his command. Other than that it is pretty much the same as always.


Now I know how the Army of the Potomac felt after the first two years of the War.

Pat Lang


My great-granfather was in the the 2nd Vermont but he knew who Jackson was. pl


Well if you can't have unity of command, perhaps the next best thing is that if you encounter individuals who appear to have the qualifications and resources to do things then let them do it.

If you've got thousands of experienced individuals with boats make sur they have enough water and food, let them go in. if you've got a thousand fireman get them in the vicinity, don't train them in public relations.

Redundancy and duplication were not the biggest problems, lacks were and people defending turf. We have the technology to easily put into place "swarm" allocations where needs and resources are listed and individuals connect them.

The simple fact of the matter is vast resources were refused, yet most of them would be better to have out there than lost, barefoot dehydrated, elderly citizens groping blindly. Most experienced cops could have brought some in, supplied others and set up some order.


From California energy crisis to elections to Iraq to NO --

The Texas Mafiosi exploit bureaucratic turpitude to generate (or aggravate) chaos, under cover of which they pillage.

Everybody stands around in the fallout fascinated -- wondering what went wrong, and why people aren't more outraged, and what the media sluts and paid provocateurs said about it today.

NO is a metaphor for what is happening to the whole country. We are in the midst of a political catastrophe, and nobody knows what the hell to do.

Anything good on the movie channel?

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