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20 September 2005


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The people doing the reconstructing are interested in federal contracts first, energy infrastructure second and everything else much, much later.

The administration will do the minimum to show that they don't hate poor people, mostly do photo ops and a prestige project, and then other reconstruction funds will get mysteriously hacked in Congress.

New Orleans as we know it is screwed.


The Social Contract has been taking a beating all around in recent decades. Today, Neocons dismiss the great unwashed's capacity to make the "right" decisions, justifying dissembly. Economic oligarchy drives open markets. Theocrats believe that faith overides the Constitution & reason. Katrina has reminded us how fragile is the veneer of our civilization. I fear that we may be witness to the beginning of a dissolution of the Nation's unity. Evidence is manifested in critical events as well as self-inflicted incremental trends, playing out over many years. I hope it is just a "phase" we are going through...


"The cankers of a calm world and a long peace."

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