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27 August 2005


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What ever happened to Zarqawi? I haven't heard his name in quite some time, at least at the level I heard it a few months ago...

Pat Lang


The administration is just fickle. pl


The Zarqawi "Make Your Own News" scheme was published mid June.
There were some 25 examples showing that Zarqawi was just a show. After that got some traction, they shut the scheme down. It was just too obvious.

Otherwise good post again PL


Colonel - another great post! Can hardly wait for "Brooks on The American Revolution", perhaps to be followed by "Brooks on Life on Mars"?! (Ever think you might be shooting fish in a barrel here?) Cheers!

Pat Lang


I shoot my fish as they present themselves. Brooks on ....? Hmmm. pl

Pat Lang


Actually, I like shooting at Brooks and intend to continue "until he spouts black blood and rolls dead out." pl

Pat Lang


As I said, fickle, even to their own "favorites." The whole "cult of personalities" as cause of Jihadism is absurd, so why should one be surprised when they give up one "theme for another. pl


Brooks has been a prominent promulgator of a calculated scheme of lies and deceptions for a very long time. I was particularly dismayed when the NYT chose him to contaminate their op-ed page with his aggressively dishonest rhetoric.

P.S. I like your line; "..."until he spouts black blood and rolls dead out."

His is one of the leading voices now tasked with shifting the blame for the unfortunate mess in Iraq onto those of us who disputed the Bush gang's rhetoric and challenged their strategy, competence and objectives in Iraq and the GME.

I was fortunate enough to have a letter of mine published in the NYT critical of one of Brooks' incredibly ridiculous op-eds about the Bush AIDS policy in Africa. I paste it in here for fun.

To the Editor:
Re "In Africa, Life After AIDS," by David Brooks (column, June 9):
David Brooks's references to "American money" and "the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief" seem intended to heap praise on the Bush administration for its efforts on behalf of AIDS victims in Africa. Tragically, the truth of this president's policies regarding AIDS is the complete opposite of the hopeful image Mr. Brooks attempts to portray.
The president's "global gag rule" - the refusal to make funds or supplies available to any organization that advises on abortion-related matters - has created a situation that actually facilitates an increase in the spread of AIDS because condom donations have been reduced on a vast scale throughout the region.
Shame on Mr. Brooks for trying to laud the president for a miserly and actively destructive approach to the terrible scourge that is AIDS.

Pat Lang


I have always liked Melville and Gregory Peck declaimed that line well in one of the movie versions.


We shall see.


Some Guy

"After all, they say, it's their culture and their ways. If that was true and Saddam was not a menace to us....."

Excellent argument. I had not caught how the double-backing on democracy directly undercuts the demagoguery around tolerating Saddam's existence. Thanks for spelling that out.

And about Bobo, yes. The first couple times I heard him speak on the Newshour I found him innocuous and less objectionable than a lot of mouthpieces for the administration. But oh how that changed the more I heard him.

His penchant for drastic, oversimplified either/or's and broad, meaningless attributions of social causality for said oversimplifications . . . it gets so tired. And somehow everything always points back to the supposed wisdom of neocon political "philosophy," particulary its willfully ignorant assumptions about human motivation.

By all means, keep a lock on him. He is every bit as disingenuous as Bill Kristol but less abrasive and so easier to overlook.

Jerome Gaskins

Dude, you're mesmerizzing me!

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