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27 July 2005


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common sense

In terms of part 2 I am pessimistic. I think corruption is rampant and that the various cliques who have power have put their fingers into all things, they will take care of their own.

I suspect things will be worse than Saddam because while brutal he was trying to balance and hold together a country, so some spoils went to dissatisfied troublesome regions. But I think right now there is no center and decentralized chiefdoms will take care of their own and allies.

We already know that food rations have been reduced with key items often missing. It would be interesting to see if the mothers no longer getting milk for their child are weighted to Sunni. I suspect they will be.

And I have suspicions about which Baghdad neighborhoods get the least electricity.

Would that I be wrong. But I also suspect there are troops on the rolls who were long gone, only their salary remains to go into the pockets of commanders. If history is an example we are erecting a mirage and believing it.


Sounds like you've been there. pl

"But I also suspect there are troops on the rolls who were long gone, only their salary remains to go into the pockets of commanders."

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