From: Center on Law and Security [[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 5:07 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Save the Date! November 20 Conference
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The Center on Law and Security | NYU School of Law

Save The Date!


NOVEMBER 20, 2009


The Center on Law and Security at NYU School of Law

presents a day long conference






Lt. Col. John Nagl (Ret.), president, Center for a New American Security

David Kilcullen, The Crumpton Group, and author of The Accidental Guerilla

Janine Davidson, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Plans,

U.S. Department of Defense

Roger Cressey, Good Harbor Consulting, former Director of

Transnational Threats on the National Security Council

Ambassador Michael Sheehan, Torch Hill Partners,

former Deputy for Counterterrorism, NYPD

Peter Bergen, CNN Terrorism Analyst,

author of The Osama bin Laden I Know

Steve Coll, author of Ghost Wars, and writer for The New Yorker

Steven Simon, Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations

Christine Fair, Senior Political Scientist, RAND Corporation

Dr. Montgomery McFate, Senior Social Scientist,

US Army Human Terrain System

Dr. Steve Fondacaro, Program Manager, US Army Human Terrain System

Nir Rosen, journalist, fellow at The Center on Law and Security, and author of In the Belly of the Green Bird: The Triumph of the Martyrs in Iraq

Col. Patrick Lang, retired senior officer of U.S. Military Intelligence and

U.S. Army Special Forces

Dr. Conrad Crane, Director, US Army Military History Institute

Prof. Thomas Johnson Director, Program for Culture & Conflict Studies, Naval Postgraduate School

Dr. Adam Silverman, Social Science Advisor for Strategic Communications, US Army's Human Terrain System

Col. Martin Stanton, US Army

Joanna Nathan, scholar at Princeton University. Former senior analyst for the International Crisis Group in Kabul from 2005-2009

Ken Silverstein, journalist, Harper's Magazine

Karen Greenberg, Executive Director, Center on Law and Security, NYU Law

Stephen Holmes, Meyer Professor of Law, NYU Law

9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 

Schedule to be announced

Friday, November 20th

Lipton Hall

108 W. 3rd Street

New York, NY 10012


TO RSVP, click here or call 212-992-8854. 

The Center on Law and Security at NYU School of Law
110 W. 3rd Street, Suite 217 | New York, NY 10012
phone: 212-992-8854 | fax: 212-995-4769 | | [email protected]

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