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27 May 2015


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Babak Makkinejad

Shia Arabs or Iranians have not yet put together an army the like of the Union's led by a man such as Sherman to go march North and West and destroy the Will of the Sunni Iraq to resist.

The Shia Ayatollahs have not yet issued a fatwa stating that all people resisting the Writ of the Baghdad Government are enemies of God and Islam.

The Sunni Power was rooted in the old ottoman Army and its institutional continuation through the non-Monarchical Iraq. Saddam Hussein and later George Bush destroyed that Army and with it the structures of Sunni power.

That is irreversible, in my opinion.

William R. Cumming


William R. Cumming


William R. Cumming

LeaNder! Thanks for all your comments and insights. Academics in USA often avoid research and writing on certain subjects for fear it might compromise future government employment or contacting. IMO of course.


"Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact"

Considering history, I would advise you to not trust such a pact. But then you are distrustful anyway.

How would some type of neo-Ribbentrop-Molotov-Pact, leaving the it's-1938-again-cries aside for a while, fit into one or the other Makkinejad thesis?

Not sure, if I recall it's latest addition. Sub-core-theory-wise.



Enjoyed the article. Keep it up.

Babak Makkinejad

When Litvinov failed to create an alliance against NAZIs with UK and France, Stalin removed him and made Molotov the Foreign Commissar.

Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact was the result; buying USSR a couple of years of peace to prepare for the inevitable war that Stalin and other Soviet leaders expected and had tried to prevent.

Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact was not envisioned to create "Peace in Our Time" rather a short peace to prepare for the larger war to come.


BM: So, you might know it's irreversible, and I might wonder if it's irreversible, but every Sunni I ever talked to (and that’s a fairly big number), from Gen. Shwani and the STU to Anbar tribal guys to FRE with the insurgency. was convinced the Sunnis in Iraq would rise again. Arguably they are, at the moment, even if they’re the beneficiary of a marriage of convenience that can’t end well.

And I’m from the “Iran is above all a rational actor” school, so I’ve neither kelb nor kalb in the fight.


Replied, and quite cleverly, I thought....but has disappeared into the the ether. Another night, another topic.

Patrick Bahzad

BM, Joe,

For some reason, Joe's reply to BM's message above has gone missing. I attached it just below. If it turns out, someone has sabotaged the message board and prevented publishing a reply, I'll personally shoot that spy/traitor/saboteur in the lung or stomach (depending on my mood) ... No seriously, sorry for mishap, and here's what Joe wrote:

"BM: So, you might know it's irreversible, and I might wonder if it's irreversible, but every Sunni I ever talked to (and that’s a fairly big number), from Gen. Shwani and the STU to Anbar tribal guys to FRE with the insurgency. was convinced the Sunnis in Iraq would rise again. Arguably they are, at the moment, even if they’re the beneficiary of a marriage of convenience that can’t end well.
And I’m from the “Iran is above all a rational actor” school, so I’ve neither kelb nor kalb in the fight".

Babak Makkinejad

"Sunnis in Iraq would rise again" when another Saladin emerges who would liberate Al Quds.

Patrick Bahzad


Your reply to BM has been published, if that is the one you're refering to. Sometimes all comments don't appear right away if there are too many replies to one message. In that case, there's usually a "show more comments" line under the last message in the main thread you replied to.


Amir, how would you explain that the patriarchal angle surfaces a lot more over here? In the larger emigrant community versus Western customs that is? At least from my very, very limited look into the debate. I surely don't have any insights into the recruits.

If you allow, there is even a layer of experience during the last two and a half decade that could somewhat understand them. If I could split myself up in multiple persons, there would be one that profoundly understands them.


No idea, if I answered this already.

Maybe I didn't since you may be absolutely correct it is should only about winning time, considering Iraq's fate, just as I possibly vaguely would agree concerning ISIS to be equated with the Nazis, unfortunately I still have the illusion, maybe, that history does not repeat.

Babak Makkinejad

History does not exactly repeat itself but analogies could be abundantly found.

The reason that historical analogies obtain is that Man has not changed and his motivations and machinations to achieve such goals as he deems worthwhile have not changed either.

George Polti - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thirty-Six_Dramatic_Situations - enumerated 36 human dramatic situations; the analogous number for human history is not even 12; Warring States, Hegemon, Universal Empire, Tribal Savage-istan, Middle/Central State and a few others.

Those patterns keep on reoccurring and always lead to the same things; Death & Destruction.

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